Route 66

Oh we really enjoyed Texas, but it was time to change the scenery and our first stop was going to be in Roswell. We left from El Paso in the morning and drove first to this amazing white sands national monument which was huge area full of white sand dunes as far as you could see. For a finish person that looked a lot like snow at first, but walking there and feeling the heat got as fast back to reality ;)

After that we drove straight to our next place which was with this lovely woman from Roswell. She had very cozy home with a lot of animals and when we arrived, we got to help to feed them. It is always so interesting to watch different animals and see how all of them act on their own way. So we stayed there and watch goats running and playing around and they really reminded me of little kids running around just purely happy.

We weren't the only ones staying there; there was a guy from California and a woman and her child from France. They were all there for a bit longer time though and they were through helpx, which is a system where you get to stay somewhere free for a longer time for exchange of helping around at the house. I definitely want to try that as well somewhere when I'll have a bit longer travel plan.
Next morning I woke up early to the sound of rooster and decided to enjoy a beautiful sunrise, since I was already up.

Then again we had to continue to another city, but not before we had stopped by at the alien museum in Roswell!

For this time none of those aliens kidnaped us, so we made it safe to Oklahoma city for the next night. We got a good tip from Karen in Roswell to visit Palo Duro canyons on our way to there, which was a very cool place! Got to drive in small roads between those canyons and admire the gorgeous view.

We also had another stop before actually arriving to Oklahoma city and that was our first route 66 sight; a cadillac ranch in Amarillo, Texas. It was very cool colour blast in a middle of yellow fields.

We arrived to Oklahoma city late and went straight to meet our new host for one drinks, since he had a birthday on that day! His name was Levi, which happens to be a name of the place where me and Beea (who's traveling now with me) met for the first time last winter. We had great time with Levi even though it was again a very short visit. He did give us some good tips for next day in Oklahoma city, provided us a huge and comfy bed (last's night couch wasn't that comfortable) and gave us a taste of his self-flavored vodka! Next morning we woke up early again since Levi had to work, but our schedule is so busy most of the days, that it's kind of good that there's someone "kicking us out" :) So we headed to see these memorial chairs, which were built there for the memory of Oklahoma city bombing victims. Those places always gets you kind of quiet.. It is so pity that there's people who has a need to express theirself by hurting others..

After that we went to a bit nicer place which was a Chrystal Bridge tropical conservatory.It was kind of a green house in huge tube\bridge with a lot of beautiful tropical plants. I definitely don't have enough knowledge to appreciate that kind of place fully, but all that green in a beautiful area looked very nice anyway. There was a few parrots as well, which were probably the coolest thing for us ;)

From Oklahoma city it took us a while to actually find route 66; we were headed to Tulsa and if we would have put that to our gps it would have found only the fastest route and not the route 66. We did found it eventually and got drive it all the way to Tulsa. It was a lot nicer than those big routes where you can't see anything else than grey highway. We also stopped on some of those route 66 sights on the way and one of those was the round barn near Oklahoma city.

There was also plenty of route 66 sights when we got Tulsa so we went to see the route 66 village

And the golden driller

In Tulsa our couchsurfing host needed to cancel, so we booked a motel in there and just relaxed for the rest of the evening to wake up rested for another route 66 day!
