Stepping out from routines

Couple weeks has went again, mostly by working and seeing friends. It's been great to see friends I haven't seen in a while and catch up, but I've noticed though that after a while doing it, its feels like it's becoming a routine. Not the part where I'm seeing my friends, but the part when people are asking me how am I doing and what I'm going to do next. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind catching up and definitely don't mind seeing my friends, but as I've said the same things so many times it comes more like from the tape than my mind. I imagine that's normal when you've repeat the same things enough, but at least for me I seem to to enjoy more those times when all of that has already been talked and you can just say whatever pops in to your head. I guess it is when you already know what you're going to say and for that you won't leave any chances for some surprises and the conversation starts to seem more like a speech. It's probably when you say the same thing exactly you make sure you're not forgetting anything, but does it really matter if you forget something. It's not important fact's you seriously need to say, its hanging out and talking about what ever comes on your mind. I'm not saying everybody are doing it like this, but we're all different and with my organized (insane) way of thinking I seem to organize even some of my conversations. Which now saying it out loud sounds really bad :D But for now I need take it easy and not have a speech on my head ready when I meet people!

 Also meeting and catching up has made me notice some of those questions I get a lot as a person with no permanent home. Most of those would be the ones saying; it's good to travel while young, how can you live without knowing exactly where you're going next or I wish I could do that myself as well. Hearing those so many times has got me thinking. One of it being when people say that they're jealous and that they would like to travel as well, but just doesn't have enough money or can't for some other reason. No I'm definitely not rich ether, it's all about keeping things on priority.

The saying grass is always greener works on it as well. It's easy to see only good things on others life, when it's so hard to do the same on our own lives. For me example yeah sure I do travel a lot and for me that's perfect for the moment, but there's a lot things I have give up for it as well; not getting to really settle down anywhere, needing to always start from fresh while getting to a new place and having the future always a bit insecure. But those are all things I gave up on purpose. Sure those would be nice sometimes and I definitely miss "normal" life from time to time, but it doesn't feel like giving up when my prioritys are somewhere else. But so many times we tend to look in others life and only see what what we're missing on our own. And it's funny the human nature, that even though we might not even want the same things they have, but we just want the same feeling they get from it. For me at least before I figured that I really want to travel, I was always seeking the wrong things to make me happy. If someone was very happy I tried to get the recipe from them and do exactly what they were doing, but I noticed that it's not physical ingredients we need to add, it's something that comes from you when you stop comparing your life on others! So many times when people are telling me they really wan't to do what I'm doing, but I've noticed they only see the good stuff in it and they might not really be willing to give up so many other things they have, since their prioritys are somewhere else. But as I said; you might miss something from your live, but you look for it from others instead of yourself. You might not take your own priority's in mind. Since many (at least with a same kind of background than me) can do what I'm doing, if that would be the main thing they wanted to do. For me as well there's many times a moments when I look at others lives and compare it to mine. I guess it comes as natural for us with all the comparing around us; in the social media, news and all around us.

We just need to remind ourselves that we're all individual with different road behind us and for that we're really never at the same start to compete with each other. So let's all blank our minds from others lives and expectations and see what we wan't to do ourself!

So now instead of catching up with words I do it with pictures ;)
