What are we afraid of?

Only four letters, but so much power.
Fear which stops us from doing what we want.
Fear which is behind almost all of our emotions.

We are afraid almost all the time.
Afraid of all the things that could go wrong, afraid of tomorrow, afraid of yesterday, afraid of today, afraid to fail, afraid to succeed, afraid of what other's think of us, afraid they don't think of us at all, afraid of the dark, afraid of the light, we're afraid to fall or we're afraid to get up, afraid to die or afraid to live, afraid to be alone, afraid to be with someone, afraid, afraid so god damn much all the time!
Even when nothing fearful is happening, we're afraid that something might happen in the future..

Also when you take a closer look at our feelings, you notice quickly how most of our emotions are driven by the fear. Often when we're afraid we tend to hide it. So while we attempt to hide the fear we might actually come across as angry, rude, careless, avoiding, frustrated, annoyed and so on..

Only time we're not scared is when we're happy. But then we often get scared we're going to lose it.

After realizing how fear takes part in so many of our negative emotions and how it holds us down, it's easy to see it as an enemy.
But is it an enemy?

We have reasonable fears and then the ones that are not that reasonable.

The purpose of fear is to keep us safe and it can be very useful in actual life threatening situation. Like if you're walking and see a tiger on the road, I think it's only reasonable to be scared and maybe even change the direction..
Although I heard hippos are actually the most dangerous animals so if you see a hippo on the street, fear would be quite OK for that as well.. I think.
Oh and the popular killer coconut trees, yes be afraid of them too! ;)

So fear can be a very useful thing in an actually life threatening situation and can end up saving our life.

But how often are we in a actual life threatening situations?
Although those would make an awesome stories to tell on a party or elevator or wherever, but they're definitely not very common.

So no crazy near death situations, no fear right..?
No, we still seem to have plenty of it left for our ordinary daily life.

And what all that fear has done to us over the years.. Because in the end we've became so afraid that we are the ones causing more harm and danger than any animals combined..

Then how do we stop being afraid?
Well I'm still looking for that switch where the fear is turned off and I promise to share you the location of it once found ;)
But before that I've noticed that it's helpful to avtually admit the fear, accept it and do the thing despite of it!

I've wanted to write about fear for a while now, but you know what, I was afraid to!
And before you think that, wow did she find that switch..? Nah, but I wrote it anyway ;)
